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13 December 2024

A Ferry Christmas Party

Yesterday evening (12th December 2024), approximately 100 people gathered in the gardens of Octavia View, the main homelessness hostel of The Ferry Project, for a special Christmas Celebration to help mark the 25th Anniversary celebrations of the charity.

Invited guests consisted of residents, staff (past and present), and neighbours who live near to Octavia View. 

The gardens were brought to life by the tireless maintenance team who strung up Christmas lights and erected gasebos and marquees. There were also flame patio heaters to help combat the elements. 

Staff had orgainsed some activities that included a darts competiton, chocolate pong, a giant electric buzzer game, make a snow globe craft, net-a-duck and guess how many brussell sprouts in the jar.

Catering was provided by the wonderful Hog Roast Catering Company and Malley's Coffee Box - the food and drink were delicious.

The King's Curch musicians played Christmas Carols and helped to make the atmosphere very festive.

Keith Smith, CEO of the Ferry Project made a speech thanking everyone for coming and explained that this was a 'thank you' event to everyone for helping to make the Ferry Project what it is today.

Christmas Carols were sung and Clive Butcher from the King's Church gave an inspirational short talk about Christmas and how Jesus himself had also experienced what it was to be homeless.

Then Father Christmas made a grand entrance and handed out gifts to the children who were present.

We wish to express a huge vote of thanks to everyone who helped to make the event a success and also to everyone who came and enjoyed the evening with us.

Merry Christmas.

A Ferry Christmas Party


Overlay for stylistic purposes




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