Upon arrival at the Ferry Project...
...all service users are allocated a key worker and a support worker to best support their needs.
A bespoke support plan is put together with the service user’s input. Every individual is unique, and all our support is tailored to each person’s specific needs, aims and goals in life.
Weekly meetings are held between service users and their key workers to help ensure support sessions are taking place. Service users also benefit from more informal daily interactions with other support staff in a variety of settings.
A range of support
We recognize that individuals who become homeless may have a range of support needs such as: financial problems, fleeing from domestic violence, recovering from a family breakdown or drug or alcohol abuse, leaving care or probation, mental health issues or recovering from sexual abuse, to name but a few.
The Ferry Project supports service users with any problems they may have and has fully trained professional counsellors available, if needed.
We work closely with other agencies who support recovery from drug or alcohol dependency or for those who have experienced sexual violence.
As residents move through their journey towards a return to independent living, we can support with reconnection to family or friends and support with education, training and job seeking.
Individuals who have shown that they can live independently and manage their finances successfully are able to move from the Hostel across to our Resettlement accommodation where they can be more independent whilst still having access to a lower level of support if needed.